Course Registration Form

Please Note we are closed on Fridays. Please DO NOT request classes for a FRIDAY.

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Please click on this link for Group Registration Form


 To Register for Arabic One to One please enrol on Al-Itqaan Online Madrasah website with link below :

Enrolment (

Student's Details
Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please specify your position in the company

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House/Flat Number and Street

Invalid email address.

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Invalid Country

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Invalid email address.

Parents/Gaurdians Details for students Under 18 years of age
Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

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Invalid email address.

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We need to meet with yourself [Parent] to:

  • Talk through the Terms & Conditions
  • Explain school procedures
  • Train on Microsoft Teams
  • Please select a day/time at least two days from today.

Please Note if enrolling for Hifz, then the student will be tested in the meeting. The student therefore needs to attend as well.

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