

A one off donation of £10.00 will be appreciated on registration.


The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:" When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: One of them is Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity)"

Sponsor a student




Fee is calculated net taking into account that the students will not have the lessons for:

  • Two weeks holiday for the two Eids
  • One week Sick/emergency by students and same by teacher [two weeks in total if required]
  • 5 Weeks annual leave by students & 10 days annual leave by the teacher.

The fees is calculated Net of the above days off.


  • For New Muslims [Reverts] of all ages studying Quran for the first time.


  • For Children between the ages of 6 years to 12 years who cannot afford to pay



£30.00 fully refundable deposit is payable to cover the cost of cancellations by students.

to cover cost of lessons cancelled by 

- £30.00 refundable deposit is payable to cover cost of lessons cancelled by students.




Course Fees (Fixed per month)

Al Quran - 1 hour per week [2 half hour or one, one hour lesson]:£21.00. per month

Al Quran - 1.5 hours per week [3 half hour or one 1.5 hour lesson]:£29.50 per month.

Al Quran - 2 hours per week [4 half hour or two 1 hour lessons]:£38.50 per month.

Al Quran - 3 hour per week [6 half hour or three, one hour lesson]:£58.00. per month

Al Quran - 6 hour per week [6 one hour lesson]: £115.50. per month.